Please Don’t Stop The Music

Remember Calista Flockhart in all her skeletal glory dancing through the halls of the law firm that made you want to get a law degree?  Ally McBeal wasn’t the first time that I realized I live my life according to a theme song but years later in my professional life it remains a front of mind inspiration.

I love theme songs.  Sound kitschy?  Too bad.  I’m an avid music lover so it only makes sense that I make it a part of my career.  I always have a song for my day.  There are times when I realize that I’ve been listening to the same song all day having subconsciously chosen the mood and the magic for the day.   I was walking through the mall once and I swear Robin Thicke was behind me singing, When I Get You Alone…”because you walk pretty because you talk pretty…”, trust me it’s a confidence booster!


My passion for music doesn’t allow me to discriminate among genres except to say that old school country wouldn’t be my first choice, however, browse through my collection and you couldn’t identify my race or regional origin, nor should it matter.  If I built a Motivational playlist for my early morning prospecting it would include Rihanna’s “Pour It Up”, Pistol Annie’s “Hell On Heels”, Rev Theory’s “Hell Yeah”, and Jay-Z (and company) “Run This Town”.  I don’t care who’s singing it I’m just looking for a push.  A lot of these songs are great when working out as well.

During my research hour (early morning or late afternoon) I might pump nothing but hardcore rap music or anything off of the Punk Goes Pop albums (check out the Mercy Alive remake of Mercy (Kanye West) below–yeah that happens.

Music is an emotional driver, no doubt about it, so be careful what you ask for.  I stay away from my Grey’s Anatomy playlist during the day because emo music doesn’t offer the energy that I’m looking for but if I were an artist in a studio I might opt for it.

What track gets you amped throughout the day or has a pull on your mood (good, bad or indifferent?)

What I’m Loving Today: Powered Up!

The worst sound in the world is a beep accompanied by the picture below (not my best edit):


I don’t have to put together a marketing ad to tell you that a dead or dying phone is a major inconvenience.  What’s the alternative? Try finding an available plug-in an airport, convention center, or Barnes & Noble (seriously, all that space and 2 plugs?)  and it’s slightly easier to find a payphone.  Remember those:


Fast forward to a world that doesn’t require bartering for “plug time” or leaving your phone in the car praying that it will pick up a little juice to my favorite little gadget.  Given to me as a gift last year, (my sig other was kinda tired of my dead S3 ringing to voicemail), it’s the easiest way to stay connected.  You might not care about reading your work emails but a text message that happy hour has been moved would be an inconvenience!  If you already have one pat yourself on the back, if not, I’d like to introduce the Mophie Juice Pack Powerstation–

Mophie 2

A portable battery created to keep your smart phone, tablet and other mobile devices powered up when you’re on the go, this is a must have for any gadget junkie or active professional.  I know!  I sound like a billboard for a product that pays me nothing but I’m doing this to help you out, so button it up.  During my Vegas trip the Mophie kept me and my IPhone using colleague from searching for power outlets in a place full of people doing exactly the same.  If you can believe it we were at a convention full of gadgets and business promotional products and I saw more professionals than I can count that were impressed by this little baby.

2 Charging Options

2 Charging Options

Judging by the number of people who are in awe when I snatch it out of my purse Mophie obviously needs to run a few television ads on Spike tv or some other man channel (I was more interested in using my 60 bucks on the latest Urban Decay palette so I am extra grateful that my man saw this as a necessary item).

Mophie basics: 1.  Comes in 2500 and 4000 mAh and various colors.

  1. Several power levels including 2500 and 4000 mAh–there’s also a convenient but less powerful key ring option
  2. Two color options that I have seen (black and red)
  3. Charges Android and IPhone products as well as other smartphones and tablets
  4. Offers 2-4 ports to charge multiple gadgets at once
  5. Self sustains it’s own battery life until used (recharge via computer usb outlet or wall)

So, enough reading about it, go grab one today (or order it online like every other technophile).

Selling Vodka to Christians (or why I’m insanely proud to be a Saleswoman!)


So, I’m not the mad saleswoman because I’m angry or incensed, I love what I do too much to wrestle with anger.  Madness is how I define my reckless love for sales; the passion and frenetic energy surrounding all things sales related.  To phrase it succinctly, I approach my sales career with an unmatched enthusiasm, attacking my target with an overpowering zeal for outcomes.  Sales isn’t just what I do, it’s who I am.  I AM  A SALESWOMAN.

I don’t run from the title and I never apologize for it.  When I hear a person in the sales industry try to explain away their profession and soften it up, I laugh, because it tells me that they haven’t reached the level of success necessary to give them comfort in what they do.  They still run from being identified with their career and haven’t reconciled that being a salesperson isn’t a bad thing because they may identify sales as a negative word.

You will never hear me justify my profession because I know all of the positives.  I know that being in sales, with historic results, means that I create relationships.  People like me enough to talk to me and that validates all those years of being a great student with report card comments that frankly said “she is a little chatterbox”.  I also don’t apologize for being a saleswoman because it confirms that I’m a great listener.  As much as I love to talk it’s usually in response to something that I’ve heard, so at the end of the day my conversation is always about you and WHO DOESN’T LOVE THAT!

For all of the fancy titles that I’ve had, Account Executive, National Account Executive, National Business Development Executive, and on and on, at the end of the day I’m a “salesgirl”.  Internally I still get a rush when my C-level contact picks up the phone on the first, second or third try and  I still have a click your heels, “yippee” moment when I seal a deal.  It always feels new and my career keeps me young and feeds my need for consistent change.  I’m in sales.

Successful salespeople need to be optimists.   I’m not a daily zodiac reader but optimism is a Virgo characteristic.  I am optimistic because of an innate belief in other people and helping them.  Serving others and taking action feels cathartic to me and there’ s no better place to do those things than in the sales universe .

Being useful while demonstrating my strengths is important to how I view my success, sales allows those traits prominently without people viewing you as a braggart.  Where else could you be a proud show pony without being a supermodel–or an actual show pony.  You know the part of the Olympics that you have to stay up late to see but can’t turn from, dressage, its impressive!  There’s this powerful beast displaying a natural grace that you just can’t help but watch.  Sales at its best is a graceful game.  You have to have strategic and tactical expertise, straightforward and deliberately coy.  Sales satisfies my inner sexy beast and my external girly girl all at once.

Wildly successful salespeople are smart…trust me.  I’ve spent my career speaking to intelligent people.  I have sold to CFO’s of publicly traded companies and large private organizations, scientists at start-up biotech firms, nurses working in nationally ranked hospitals, and executives looking to make career changes.  Typically everyone that I have sold to has known more about their brand or industry than I have but my passion for what I do and confidence in my intellect have NEVER let me down.  Combine smarts with a “good talk game” and in my mind, you’re set!

I am maniacally obsessed with the artful psychology of sales.  You have to demonstrate intelligence without being condescending, know a lot but not always talk a lot, be a genuinely concerned listener and in tune with the person on the other end of the phone or other side of the desk.  Everyone starts out believing that they can’t be sold and I agree.  You couldn’t sell vodka to a Christian but you could sell vodka to a Christian who is stranded in the desert.  Surely, even he wouldn’t turn down liquids in his position (lighten up).  There’s a difference between the person without the need, the person with the need but no pain, and the person that is drowning in the pain of his need.  Identifying the three and prioritizing them is the ability that is inherent only to the best sales people.  Or someone who thinks like a salesperson in all cases (and if you do, you should seek out a sales career).

I’m mad about what I do.  Energetically obsessed with my career.  Focused on my personal brand and confident that no one does it like me.  You should find something that you feel this passionate about and GO DO IT!